Victor JaraVictor Jara Singer of Hope Carlos Muñoz / Sergio Reyes
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Yesterday you sang for me
To give me hope
Your songs gave me strength
Today I sing for you.
Lonquen, fertile land
Where this singer grew up
With valor and dignity
Principled in the struggle
You interpreted our people needs
Singing about their feelings
To the bitter end you fought
For a dignified future for all
And thus you showed me the way
Yesterday you sang for me.
To the very end
You fought for freedom
And also for unity
Among all peoples in this continente
Victor Jara you are present
And also your teachings about
Persistence in the struggle
Until the day they killed you
Your singing was like the wind
That gave me hope.
To the poor of my nation
You gave the gift of your songs
You were a brave singer
And have my admiration
And also of a new generation
Who will sing like you did
To honor you and continue
The peopleþs struggle
The assassins couldnþt kill you
Your songs still give me strength.
This musician of the people
Who loved his country so much
In a concentration camp
Was killed by a jackal
They say that an officer
Was the ruthless murderer
Who tortured you to death
Until your voice was silenced
My heart is bursting with anguish
Yet, today I sing for you.
Here I say farewell
To a great man and singer
Good example to follow
A man of courage
The country still mourns
Our brother Victorþs agony
My heart is broken
For such horrible crime
I promise you compan~ero,
Justice will be served!