It isn't just 30 pesos (Chilean revolt 2019)07/05/2021 -  [ + ]
Here's to you Nicola and Bart To listen to the song click here.
This song by Morricone and sung by Joan Baez in the 70s became popular all over the world. In many places people didn't know what it was all about, but they still liked it. In other English speaking places they understood what the words said but didn't know the meaning of it. I changed the rythm to add a more lively Spanish-like beat and performed it for the first time at the 9th Annual Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Day in Boston, August 23, 2014. So, Here's to You Nicola and Bart, the struggle for workers rights, to change society and to replace capitalism has not stopped after their death. As the old anarchists said: "you can kill us, but you cannot kill our ideas."
The Latest Production of the Puerto Rican Patriot Musician: Andrés Jiménez, "El Jibaro" 22/07/2012 - Andrés Jiménez at his 65 years of age has seen much of the struggle in the Americas to shake itself off from the tight control of U.S. imperialism. Likewise, in his own land, Puerto Rico, he has participated since early age in the fight for independence for the last classic colony left in the Americas.
His latest production released late last year is called "Plena con Lelolai", taking the genre of "plena" and combining it with the peasant rhythms of the mountains. All in all 9 songs that take us on yet another libertarian journey through Puerto Rico. All the songs included were composed by Jiménez, as it is his tradition, based on Puerto Rican folk rhythms. The lyrics are composed on the very old Spanish tradition of the "decima", ten verses on a fairly strict rhyming structure.
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The Internationale / La Internacional In honor of those who gave their lives in the struggle for workers rights and for those that have continued the fight throughout the years. "For justice thunders condemnation: A better world's in birth!" Long live May Day, International Workers Day!
Listen to my rendition of The Internationale
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Mexico in the Heart on the Presentation of "No Word for Welcome" in Boston This selection of songs was made to introduce the book "No Word for Welcome: The Mexican Village Faces the Global Economy" by Wendy Call on September 8, 2011. The book refers to the struggle by the community in Tehuantepec to confront the deployment of instruments of capitalist "progress" through their villages. Wendy Call is not only a good writer but also a good comrade and friend in the struggle.
La Muerte de Emiliano Zapata (Armando Liszt Arzubide)
México 68 (Gabino Palomares)
El Piojito (Gabino Palomares)
Maldición de Malinche (Gabino Palomares)
La Llorona (José Luis Orozco)
La Sandunga (Máximo Ramón Ortiz)
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Facundo singer of peace Eight evil bullets
Eight perverse bullets
killed the singer
and our pain is so great.
Today the Continent in full
will raise their voices
demanding justice
and our pain is so great.
Ay, singer of peace
Facundo, dear comrade
with you they went too far
and our pain is so great.
Bloody hands with weapons
have stained Guatemala
you gave them your songs
and our pain is so great.
To listen the song click here. [ + ]
Against the military coup... (song)Music/Lyrics by Sergio Reyes (2009)
Dedicated to the popular resistance in Honduras.
To listen to the song click here.
Again the boot steps on the people
the boots of the Honduran gorilas
again they kill their own people
to defend their masters privileges.
But we have a popular saying
"there is no evil that doesn't bring some good"
now our people are marching on
and nobody will stop them.
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Reunions and Farewells 01/10/1995 - Sergio Reyes & Carlos Muñoz (Viña del Mar, 1995)
A 1-hour CD of original social and political music from Chile. Most of the songs are based on poems written by Chilean people's poet Carlos Muñoz-Aguilera, a resident of the city port of Valparaíso. You can visit his web page at www.eldiantre.org The music are either original compositions by Sergio Reyes, or his arrangements of traditional folk rhythms of Chile, Argentina and other Latin American countries.
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